Author Archives: haikugirl

Basic Macaroni and Cheese

Friends, I have a question for you: when you see a blog post for macaroni and cheese (like this one!) does it A) make you want to try that *specific* macaroni and cheese or B) send you running to the kitchen to make your tried and true favorite mac and cheese? Here is my hunch. […]

Sour Cream Banana Bread

Here is the thing about banana bread: as each recipe gets passed along someone adds a banana. And if they didn’t add a banana, they added more vanilla. Eventually there will be a banana bread recipe that is nothing but bananas and vanilla. I have never been offered a slice of homemade banana bread without […]

Mushroom Leek Risotto

Hey! Guess what? It’s LeekWeek™ on the blog! Yeah, I didn’t know either! I think it’s what happens when you have too many leeks and you also have a cooking blog. The two, they collide! You can’t help it. As you may recall, my first LeekWeek™ post was Potato Leek Soup. While that soup was […]

Potato Leek Soup

If you had told me that one Russet potato could make a whole pot of potato leek soup taste potato-y, well, I don’t know if I would have believed you. I wouldn’t have been so bold as to call you a liar, I just would’ve quietly had my doubts. Until I tasted it, that is. […]


While I feel like I should kick off this post talking about what a great breakfast muesli makes I am instead compelled to sing the praises of Bonne Maman jam. The jam is, of course, superb but the jars — they take it over the top. The darling gingham lids and perfect size make it […]